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Staying Smart Over Summer Break



Throughout Bradenton and Sarasota, when it's summertime, school is often forgotten. But tutoring during this time can be of great value to all kinds of students. It is a great time to work on standardized test preparation, since the student can focus on just that. Maintenance tutoring, for those students (and their parents) who don't want to lose the hard-won gains they made during the school year, is another worthwhile possibility.

Summer tutoring can also be used as a way to work on organization, study techniques, and learning styles, for those students for whom these are constant struggles, without the distractions of actual subject work and deadlines. For current clients, keeping up with tutoring helps to ensure that the good habits developed aren't lost. Anyone who has ever stopped going to the gym for a few weeks knows that it isn't always easy to get back into the routine. For the best results, summertime tutoring should take place in the morning. This gets it "out of the way" in the student's mind, leaving the rest of the day free for more seasonal pursuits.

There are other things that parents can do, even without a tutor, to make sure that their children don't fall victim to summer brain drain. The usual advice, such as encouraging them to read books, is still valuable. They don't have to be textbooks: reading fiction is just as good for keeping the brain active. Look for educational activities that are also fun, such as museum exhibits, art shows, and theater in the park. These things can be done as a family so they make doubly good sense. Playing board games that require some strategy are good, too.

Talk to your kids about why it is important to keep study and learning skills fresh. Remember to always talk in an encouraging way, not as if you are criticizing them. Tell them that by putting in just a little bit of work every week, they'll be ahead of all their classmates who didn't bother to do so. They won't be scrambling to catch up, but will be in a position to keep up with the pace of classes. For a child who has known the agony of falling behind, that is a powerful motivator.

Adult students, too, will want to schedule in some time for maintenance. They usually have more discipline than younger children, which works to their advantage: they will be more likely to keep up with the difficult subjects or areas on their own. Someone who has been struggling with math classes can do a few pages in a related workbook every week. It doesn't have to be a lot of time, as long as it's regular to keep those skills sharp.

Out tutoring services in Bradenton and Sarasota are available to you during the summer. There are many good reasons to work with our tutors even when school is not in session. Meanwhile, try some of the other ideas above to keep the mechanism of the brain in tune and running smoothly.

Are you looking for more information regarding Tutoring Sarasota? Visit www.tutoring-bradenton.com today!


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : Robert Corter
  • Category (หมวด) : Education
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : doubly good sense, good sense, adult students,
  • Posted (วันที่) : September 10, 2012 (12:31:28)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,123
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